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My First Blog Post

This is the first post of my new Astro blog.

The full Astro logo.

Welcome to my new blog about learning Astro! Here, I will share my learning journey as I build a new website.

What I’ve accomplished

Lists 1

  1. Installing Astro: First, I created a new Astro project and set up my online accounts.

Lists 2

  1. Making Pages: I then learned how to make pages by creating new .astro files and placing them in the src/pages/ folder.

Lists 3

Another heading

  1. Making Blog Posts: This is my first blog post! I now have Astro pages and Markdown posts!

What’s next

codeblog codeblog codeblog

hello world


Code sample

const func = function (x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log("hello world");

I will finish the Astro tutorial, and then keep adding more posts. Watch this space for more to come.